Source code for

# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
import asyncio
import aiohttp
import async_timeout
import pandas as pd
import time
import os
from pandas.compat import StringIO
from tushare.stock import cons as ct
from factorset.Util.configutil import GetConfig

def balance_sheet_url(code):
    url = ct.SINA_BALANCESHEET_URL % code[0:6]
    return url

def profit_statement_url(code):
    url = ct.SINA_PROFITSTATEMENT_URL % code[0:6]
    return url

def cash_flow_url(code):
    url = ct.SINA_CASHFLOW_URL % code[0:6]
    return url

[docs]class FundCrawler(object): """ **FundCrawler类,协程爬取基本面数据** """ def __init__(self, TYPE): """ :param TYPE: 'BS', 'IS', 'CF' """ ############ SETTING ############# self.config = GetConfig() self.TYPE = TYPE # 'BS', 'IS', 'CF' self.MONGO = self.config.MONGO self.CSV = self.config.CSV self.RAW = False self.outdir = self.config.fund_dir self.encode = self.config.encode self.proxypool = self.config.proxypool ############ CHANGE ABOVE SETTING ############# if self.MONGO: from arctic import Arctic # mongod --dbpath D:/idwzx/project/arctic a = Arctic(self.config.ahost) a.initialize_library('ashare_{}'.format(self.TYPE)) self.lib = a['ashare_{}'.format(self.TYPE)] self.result_dict = {}
[docs] async def get_proxy(self): """ 获取proxy :return: proxy地址 """ async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: async with session.get("http://{}/get/".format(self.proxypool)) as response: proxy_str = await response.text() return "http://{}".format(proxy_str)
[docs] async def fetch(self, queue, session, url, ticker): """ 单个ticker基本面爬取 :param queue: ticker 队列 :param session: aiohttp.ClientSession() :param url: 股票基本面爬取地址 :param ticker: 股票代码 :return: 基本面数据text """ proxy_url = await self.get_proxy() print('proxy: ' + proxy_url) # ticker = url.split('/')[-3] try: async with async_timeout.timeout(15): async with session.get(url, proxy=proxy_url, allow_redirects=True) as resp: if resp.status == 200 or 201: return await resp.text() else: await queue.put(ticker) except Exception as e: print(e) print('Put {} in queue!'.format(ticker)) await queue.put(ticker)
[docs] async def consume(self, queue): """ 消费直到任务结束 :param queue: ticker 队列 :return: None """ while True: ticker = await queue.get() async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: if self.TYPE == 'BS': target_url = balance_sheet_url(ticker) elif self.TYPE == 'IS': target_url = profit_statement_url(ticker) elif self.TYPE == 'CF': target_url = cash_flow_url(ticker) else: raise Exception html = await self.fetch(queue, session, target_url, ticker) if html: self.result_dict[ticker] = html else: queue.put(ticker) queue.task_done()
[docs] async def run(self, queue, max_tasks): """ Schedule the consumer :param queue: ticker 队列 :param max_tasks: 最大协程数 :return: None """ tasks = [asyncio.ensure_future(self.consume(queue)) for _ in range(max_tasks)] await queue.join() for w in tasks: w.cancel()
[docs] def write_to_MongoDB(self, symbol, df, source='Tushare'): """ :param symbol: ticker :param df: 单个ticker基本面数据,pd.DataFrame :param source: 注释表明来源,str,默认为'Tushare' :return: None """ try: self.lib.write(symbol, df, metadata={'source': source}) print(symbol + '写入完成') except Exception as e: print("Failed for ", str(e))
[docs] def data_clean(self, text): """ text数据清洗 :param text: 协程爬取的text数据 :return: pd.DataFrame """ text = text.replace('\t\n', '\r\n') text = text.replace('\t', ',') df = pd.read_csv(StringIO(text), dtype={'code': 'object'}) df = df.T.drop_duplicates() df.rename(columns=df.iloc[0], inplace=True) df.drop(df.index[0], inplace=True) df.index = pd.to_datetime(df.index) = 'date' return df
[docs] def main(self, Ashare, num=10, retry=2): """ 协程爬取主程序 :param Ashare: 带爬取tickers :type Ashare: list :param num: 最大协程数 :type num: int :param retry: 重启次数 :type retry: int :return: None """ fail = [] asyncio.set_event_loop(asyncio.new_event_loop()) for i in range(retry): if fail: # Global event loop closed last time Ashare = list(set(fail)) # Reset fail fail = [] asyncio.set_event_loop(asyncio.new_event_loop()) loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() queue = asyncio.Queue(loop=loop) for ticker in Ashare: queue.put_nowait(ticker) # Check if loop is closed, if it is, then break if loop.is_closed(): return loop.run_until_complete(, num)) loop.close() if not os.path.exists(self.outdir): os.mkdir(self.outdir) if self.RAW: try: pd.DataFrame([self.result_dict]).to_csv(os.path.abspath("./fund/raw.csv"), encoding=self.encode) except Exception as e: print(e) for key in self.result_dict: try: df = self.data_clean(self.result_dict[key]) if len(df.values) == 0: fail.append(key) if self.MONGO: self.write_to_MongoDB(key, df) if self.CSV: df.to_csv(os.path.abspath("{}/{}_{}.csv".format(self.outdir, self.TYPE, key)), encoding=self.encode) print("{0}写入{1}条数据,".format(key, len(df))) except Exception as e: print(e) fail.append(key) print("{}写入失败".format(key)) if fail: print("{}表中{}爬取失败".format(self.TYPE, fail)) else: print("{}表数据导入成功!".format(self.TYPE))
if __name__ == '__main__': start = time.time() import os from import code_to_symbol from import CSVParser as cp import tushare as ts # allAshare = pd.read_csv(os.path.abspath('./allAShare.csv')) # allAshare = allAshare['0'] hs300 = ts.get_hs300s() hs300.code = hs300.code.apply(code_to_symbol) # 爬取沪深300还未存入的数据 Ashare = list(set(hs300.code.tolist()) - set(cp.all_fund_symbol(os.path.abspath('.'), 'IS'))) # BS表内时间有重复 # Ashare = ['300671.SZ', '002886.SZ', '300696.SZ', '603055.SH', '300670.SZ', '300692.SZ', # '002889.SZ', '603882.SH', '603801.SH', '603938.SH', '300687.SZ', '603535.SH', '603043.SH'] # BS时间有重复且值不相同(招股说明与申报稿) # Ashare = ['002886.SZ', '300696.SZ', '603938.SH', '300692.SZ', '300670.SZ', '603882.SH'] # IS时间有重复且值不相同(招股说明与申报稿) # Ashare = ['002886.SZ', '300696.SZ', '300670.SZ', '300692.SZ', '603055.SH', '603938.SH', '603882.SH'] # CF时间有重复且值不相同(招股说明与申报稿) # Ashare = ['002386.SZ', '603882.SH', '603018.SH', '300671.SZ', '603938.SH', '300537.SZ', '300670.SZ' , # '002086.SZ', '000568.SZ', '600612.SH', '300696.SZ', '600552.SH', '300687.SZ', '600983.SH', '002889.SZ', # '603801.SH', '300692.SZ', '603055.SH', '002886.SZ', '002852.SZ', '603505.SH', '300365.SZ', '603535.SH', # '300214.SZ', '300135.SZ', '603043.SH'] FundCrawler('BS').main(Ashare, num=20) print(time.time()-start)