Source code for

# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-

from time import sleep
from factorset.Util.configutil import GetConfig
import math
import tushare as ts
import pandas as pd
import os
import datetime
import time

############ SETTING #############
config = GetConfig()
MONGO = config.MONGO
CSV = config.CSV
SFL = config.SFL
other_dir = config.other_dir
# MONGO = False
# CSV = True
# SFL = True  # succ and fail list of date

############ CHANGE ABOVE SETTING #############

def write_list(list, url):
    with open(url, 'w') as f:

[docs]def write_all_date(tc, lib=None): """ :param tc: List,所有日期 :param lib: :return: succ: List, written stocks; :return: fail: List, failed written stocks """ succ = [] fail = [] if not os.path.exists(other_dir): os.mkdir(other_dir) l = [] for date in tc: try: df = ts.get_day_all(date) df['date'] = date l.append(df) succ.append(date) print(date + '写入完成') except Exception as e: fail.append(date) print("Failed for ", date, str(e)) sleep(0.2) df = pd.concat(l, ignore_index=True) df.set_index('date', inplace=True) if MONGO and lib: lib.write('other', df, metadata={'source': 'Tushare'}) if CSV: df.to_csv(os.path.abspath("{}/{}.csv".format(other_dir, 'other'))) if SFL: write_list(succ, os.path.abspath('./{}/other_succ_list.txt').format(other_dir)) write_list(fail, os.path.abspath('./{}/other_fail_list.txt').format(other_dir))
[docs]def write_new_stocks(): """ 从Tushare取每日新股数据,因Tushare数据限制,最多取到2016-04-26 :return: None """ ts.new_stocks(pause=0.1).to_csv(os.path.abspath("{}/{}.csv".format(other_dir, 'newstock')))
[docs]def tradecal(startday=None, endday=None): ''' 交易日历 :param startday: 默认为'2017-06-15' :param endday: 默认为最近交易日 :return: list,交易日历 ''' if not startday: start = '2017-06-15' # elif time.strptime(startday,'%Y-%m-%d') < time.strptime('2017-06-15', '%Y-%m-%d'): # start = '2017-06-15' elif time.strptime(startday,'%Y-%m-%d') < time.strptime('1990-12-19', '%Y-%m-%d'): start = '1990-12-19' else: start = startday if endday: end = endday else: end ='%Y-%m-%d') tc = ts.util.dateu.trade_cal() tc = tc[tc.isOpen == 1] tc.set_index('calendarDate', inplace=True) return tc.loc[start:end].index.tolist()
[docs]def market_value(dir, tickers): ''' 总市值的读取与计算 :param dir: str, 其他数据的储存路径 :param tickers: list, 股票代码 :return: pd.DataFrame: 总市值 ''' df = pd.read_csv(dir, encoding='gbk')[['date', 'code', 'price', 'totals']] df.code = df.code.apply(code_to_symbol) df.set_index('code', inplace=True) if tickers: df = df.loc[tickers] df.loc[df.totals < 5000, 'totals'] = df.loc[df.totals < 5000, 'totals'] * 10000 df['mkt_value'] = df.price * df.totals df['ticker'] = df.index df.set_index('date', inplace=True) return df
[docs]def code_to_symbol(code): """ 生成symbol代码标志 :param code: 数字 :return: str,股票代码 """ if isinstance(code, int): code = str(code) if len(str(code)) != 6 : return '%s.SZ'%((6-len(code)) * '0' + code) else: return '%s.SH'%code if code[:1] in ['5', '6', '9'] else '%s.SZ'%code
[docs]def shift_date(date_str, n): """ :param date_str: 日期, 'YYYYMMDD'格式的字符串 :param n: 时间跨度, int :return: 调整后的交易日,date """ tc = ts.util.dateu.trade_cal() tc = tc[tc.isOpen == 1] tc.set_index('calendarDate', inplace=True) if len(tc[:date_str]) < n: return tc.iloc[0].name else: return tc[:date_str].iloc[-500].name
if __name__ == '__main__': # mongod --dbpath D:/idwzx/project/arctic # a = Arctic('localhost') # a.initialize_library('ashare_other') # lib = a['ashare_other'] # write_all_date(tradecal()) write_new_stocks()